Monday, 9 November 2015

Learning to love the Sphagnales II - S.magellanicum

Another nice big fat species from the Sphagnum section of the genus, but this time with a fatter head and some nice colour

A dull brown with 3% KOH applied

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Pterogonium gracile, Eildon Hills

A nice branched pleurocarp with a very neat leaf distruibution. When dry the leaves fold in to make a tidy imbricate string
Branching, maybe 1.5cm long here
Branch tip

Leaf at x60

Leaf tip

Leaf base

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Bryologically important watercourses map

SNH's planning tool with indications as to watercourses which have been surveyed and their importance, and those which have not been surveyed but are potentially important.