Conocephalum conicum, Great Scented Liverwort
BBS FG page
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03/12/2013 |
Diplophyllum albicans, White Earwort
BBS Field Guide page
17/01/2014 |
Frullania tamarisci, Tamarisk Scalewort
BBS field guide page
Lophocolea bidentata, Biphid Crestwort
L. bidentata is delicate and translucent, pale green, with conspicuously bilobed leaves (about 2 mm long). Shoots are 2–4 mm wide, and may grow several centimetres long. Its leaf lobes are long and drawn out into a narrow point. The underleaves are also bilobed, with an additional lateral tooth on each side. It is strongly aromatic, and often fertile, with toothed perianths (BBS Field Guide).
18/11/2013 |
19/11/2013 |
underside |
underside close-up |
overlapping leaves |
Metzgeria furcata, Forked Veilwort
19/11/2013 |
Pellia epiphylla, Overleaf Pellia
11/12/2013 |
Male parts |
Scapania undulata, Water Earwort
26-01-2014 |
Atrichum undulatum, Catherine's Moss
BBS Field Guide Page
11/12/2013 |
Aulacomnium anrdrogynum
Brachythecium rutabulum, Rough-stalked Feather-moss
13/11/2013 |
Bryum capillare, Capillary Thread-moss
BBS Field Guide page
Calliergonella cuspidata, Pointed Spear-moss
One of our commonest and most recognizable mosses. It is medium-sized and grows mixed with other bryophytes, or it forms green, yellow-green or occasionally orange-brown patches. Shoots are commonly 3–8 cm long, but sometimes more. The main stem is usually erect and has side branches that are more or less pinnately arranged, the whole shoot having a flattened appearance. The most distinctive field character is the shape of the shoot and branch tips: the leaves are closely rolled-up to form a smooth needle-like or spear-like point.
27/11/2013 |
Campylopus introflexus, Heath Star-moss
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18/01/2014 |
and when dried |
BBS Field Guide page
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10/01/2014 |
Climacium dendroides, Tree-moss
BBS FG page
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29/30/2013, cpt-7a |
Dicranum scoparium, Broom Fork-moss
BBS FG page
29/11/2013 - Mossy Barrens, Cpt-7a |
Dicronella heteromalla, Silky Forklet-moss
Fissidens taxifolia, Great Pocket-moss
BBS Field Guide page
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17/01/2014 |
Grimmia Pulvinata, Grey Cushion Moss
G. pulvinata is a predominantly lowland species of usually base-rich rocks, including walls; rarely it grows on trees and shrubs. G. pulvinata tolerates moderate pollution, so is a characteristic urban and suburban species, growing on wall tops, mortar, tombstones, asbestos roofs and concrete, and is a typical member of the wall community alongside Tortula muralis, Schistidium crassipilum and Orthotrichum anomalum. The neat cushions on wall tops have earned it the alternative common name of ‘Hedgehog Moss (BBS Field Guide).
18/11/2013 |
Hylocolium splendens, Glittering Wood-moss
BBS Field Guide page
27/11/2013 |
Hypnum Cupressiforme, Cypress-leaved Plait-moss
BBS Field Guide page
08/12/2013 |
Kindbergia praelonga, Common Feather-moss
BBS Field Guide page
Mnium hornum, Swan's Neck Thyme-moss
This dark, dull green moss is the commonest species of the genus and one of Britain’s commonest mosses. The upright stems are 2–4 cm tall. Leaves are typically about 4 mm long, but can be as long as 8 mm towards the tip of the shoot, and have a toothed border of long, narrow cells. The nerve usually ends a little below the tip of the leaf. The leaf base at most shortly runs down onto the stem. The lower part of the stem has small, narrowly triangular leaves (the two leaves on the right in the upper drawing). Capsules (5 mm long) are frequently produced, and the lid narrows abruptly into a very short point. The seta is 2.5–5 cm long (BBS FG).
15/11/2013, oak trunk and field layer |
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01/01/2014 |
Orthotrichum affine, Wood Bristle-moss
BBS field guide page
Orthotrichum pulchellum
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04/01/2014 |
Plagiomnium undulatum, Hart's-tongue Thyme-moss
BBS Field Guide page
30/11/2013 |
Polytrichum commune, Common Haircap Moss
Well-grown, large, hummocks or turfs of this species are unmistakable. They consist of tough, wiry shoots up to 40 cm long (usually about 20 cm). When moist, the 8–12 mm long, narrowly spearhead-shaped leaves spread or strongly curve away from the stem, with a glossy sheathing base, giving a starry appearance viewed from above (BBS Field Guide).
26/10/2013, cpt-6 |
Pseudoscleropodium purum, Neat feather-moss
This is one of the easiest mosses to recognize in the field. It is a robust, green or yellow-green plant with more or less regularly pinnate shoots to 10 cm or more long, and relatively short branches (the shoots are therefore feather-like). The leaves are erect, loosely appressed and overlapping, only a little longer than wide, and deeply concave. This gives the typically 2 mm wide shoots a stout, fat appearance. The leaves are about 2 mm long, broadly rounded or broadly pointed, and their most distinctive feature is the presence of a small, recurved point at the tip. At the tip of the stem and new branches, the crowded points of the leaves protrude like a miniature crown (older branch tips may become more attenuated). The leaves have a single nerve. Branch leaves are similar to the stem leaves, but a little smaller. Capsules are rare (BBS Field Guide).
26/10/2013, cpt-7a |
Racomitrium lanuginosum, Woolly Fringe-moss
BBS Field Guide page
04/01/2014 |
Rhyzomium punctatum, Dotted Thyme-moss
BBS Field Guide page
11/12/2013 (see also Pellia epiphylla pic) |
Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus, Springy Turf-moss
The shoots of this extremely common moss are a few to 10–15 cm long, and distinctive in the way the tapered part of the 2–2.5 mm long leaves bend back at a right angle to the base so that they spread out and away from the stem in all directions, giving shoots a star-like appearance. The broad leaf base completely sheathes the red stem so that it is only visible through the leaves. The leaf has lightly toothed margins and a short, double nerve. Capsules are generally uncommon, but frequent in some areas of south Wales, and may be overlooked elsewhere (BBS FG)
09/11/2013 |
Sanionia uncinata, Sickle-leaved Hook-moss
Thuidium tamariscinum, Common Tamarisk-moss
BBS FG page
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01/01/2014 |
Tortula muralis, Wall Screw-moss
BBS field guide page
Trichostomum brachydontium, Variable Crisp-moss
This moss forms yellow-green to dark green patches or tufts 1–4 cm tall. Its tongue-shaped leaves are 2–4 mm long and typically have a blunt tip with a shortly excurrent nerve. However, T. brachydontium is very variable, and the leaves can sometimes be slender with a tapering tip. The leaves are held at an angle of up to 45° or are recurved away from the stem when moist, but crisped and incurved when dry. The leaf margins are normally plane, but may be narrowly recurved. The oval-oblong or narrowly elliptical capsules are rare in spring, and borne on a yellow seta (BBS Field Guide).
21/11/2013 |
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